Brightness and contrast resolution

March 8, 2017

LCD display function is mainly a backlight. The brightness of the light source determines the brightness and color saturation of the LCD. In theory, the brighter the LCD, the better. Brightness is measured in CD /m2 (square candlelight/meter). Screen brightness, also known as NIT Lumen TFT, usually starts at 150 NIT. Usually 200 Nits will show a better picture. Contrast is a measure of the contrast of two different colors (black and white). When the contrast ratio is 120:1, it can display vivid and rich colors (because the human eye can distinguish the contrast ratio is about 100:1). When the contrast ratio reaches 300:1, all levels of color are supported. Most LCD monitors have a contrast ratio of 500:1 to 800:1. LCD products of top brands such as Asus, Samsung and LG have a contrast ratio of 1,000:1. There is no fair standard value to measure the contrast between brightness and contrast, so buying an LCD depends on a sharp eye. So in the choice of LCD, we should pay attention to this indicator. This is also the most difficult part of estimating performance differences in LCD products.